

About us

We want every child to read well.  

1 in 4 children leave primary school every year unable to read properly. These children will not be able to access their secondary education fully, which has lifelong negative consequences.

Schoolreaders is a children’s literacy charity which provides volunteers to listen to children read every week in primary schools nationwide, focusing on schools with the greatest need.  

Sadly, not all children have the opportunity to read at home and some require additional, face-to-face reading support. Schoolreaders recruits, places and supports volunteers to go into a local primary school to give children one-to-one reading support on a weekly basis. 


95% of children supported regularly by a Schoolreaders volunteer improves their reading age. The Schoolreaders model has been proven to improve children’s reading fluency, confidence and enjoyment.  

By sharing their love of reading, Schoolreaders volunteers build a child’s reading and social skills which will benefit them for life. 

Help Schoolreaders change a child’s life story today. 

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